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Stay Curious

"Share, Learn and Prosper", I am here to do just that. The Novice HR serves as a vessel to project my views and learning, and clue in my readers as to what inspires me. So, sit back, relax, and read on the tips to successful workplace management.

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The Chef of Culture in a Social Media Buffet

Employee experience today is increasingly becoming public. From new joiners flashing their welcome hampers to live videos of employees...

Marble or Clay? Sculpting an organization culture

Another weekend arrived. Amidst the mundane dinner conversations about how some batchmate landed a job in his dream company, the question...

Cleaning the glasses and Improving candidate experience

All food delivery apps give us an estimated time of arrival and even help us track our order second by second. Why? If we have paid for...

Saving the 'goose' that lays golden eggs

There is an old tale of a farmer who possessed a goose that laid one golden egg each day. While the farmer was slowly becoming wealthy,...

The Ultron Level Disaster

The Marvel cinematic universe is not just a superhero flick, but also a source of some great life lessons. I have always been a Marvel...

Fixing the ‘Broken Rung’ through Paternity Leave

Fixing the ‘broken rung’ in the ladder of success, is the key to women achieving parity at the workplace. While multiple innovative...

Recidivism models v/s Recruitment Techniques

One of my all-time favorite Tom cruise movies is- ‘Minority Report’. It is based on a concept that in future, a technology makes it...

The Fuzzy Logic behind Exit Interviews

Fuzzy logic is a mathematical concept of many-valued logic which claims that the truth values of a variable may be any real number...

The Theseus Paradox of Workplace

The Ship of Theseus is an interesting thought experiment that raises the question of whether an object that has had all of its components...

Pygmalion or Golem! What is your boss like?

The Pygmalion effect stems from the story of Pygmalion, a mythical Greek Sculptor who carved a statue of a woman and then became enamored...

‘Flap’ your way to a smoother Onboarding Experience

The phenomenon ‘butterfly effect’ explains that a small change in initial conditions can lead to vastly different outcomes down the line....

The secret to an 'Engaged' workforce

Human beings for ages have struggled between their innate desire to stand out in the crowd and the need to blend in and all this, while...

Decoding the ‘The Lemon Problem’ of the Workplace

The ‘lemon problem’ is a classic concept of economics explaining how asymmetrical information between the buyer and seller can lead to...

Agility is the Key to Success

What happens when a drop of water falls on a tray of ice? It freezes. What happens when the same molecule of water is dropped in a glass...

When the going gets tough, the tough get going

While most of the companies have some action plan in place for catastrophic events like fire, earthquake and floods, we were pretty...

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